The Streetlighting team at Milestone Infrastructure recently volunteered, in partnership with Croydon Council, to pick up litter in Wandle Park, Croydon.

The park is very well used by the community and needs constant attention to keep it tidy. The volunteers helped clear 25 bags of litter including numerous glass bottles in dried grass, which in extreme temperatures, can magnify the sun and result in a fire.

Tracey Bellamy, Street Champion Co-ordinator for Croydon Council, said: “It’s great that people from Milestone volunteered to help clean the park which is used by so many people especially at this time of year. The actions of the volunteers means that the park can be enjoyed fully and helps to keep all that do use it safe.”

The Milestone Streetlighting team was Jennie Portingale, retired Office Administrator, Krystle Whittle, Commercial Assistant and Mark Zahra, Customer Liaison Officer, pictured with Tracey Bellamy.

At Milestone Infrastructure, our clients, our people and the communities that we work in expect businesses like ours to respect the environment, alongside our duties to manage and maintain the transport networks that we all rely on.

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